Design Jobs






Welcome to my portfolio. I'm a designer dinnanah, and these are my works.

Designs from the Geelancer contests

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Commend the work

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Commend the work

Commend the work

Commend the work

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Other works of mine

Prelom autorskog tek
Prelom autorskog teksta o surovosti profesije industrijskog dizajna.
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Dizajin majice za na
Dizajin majice za nagradni konkurs Opel Srbija povodom promocije novog modela Astra GTC
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Plakat za pozorisnu
Plakat za pozorisnu predstavu Alise Stojanovic pod nazivim Dokle!? Moj drugi po redu rad u Photoshopu.
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First thing seen pri
First thing seen prilikom paljenje iPada. Moj prvi rad u Photoshopu ever, otuda velika sentimentalnos po pitanju njega ;)
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Siguran dizajn
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