More than 15674 designers
1535 contented clients


 Penalty Regulations (abbreviated Regulations)


Any violation of rules by users (Designers and Clients) of the service provided by the company DIFOL Ltd. shall be sanctioned by the unique penalty system described in the Penalty Regulations (abbreviated Regulations) for non-compliance with the Terms of Use in form of liquidated damages. The Regulations are an integral part of the Terms of Use of and they may be updated without prior notice to the users.

The penalty system is comprised of 3 levels:

  1. Notified – the user is notified about their first violation and made aware of the penalty rules
  2. Final Warning – the user is notified about their second violation, made aware of the penalty rules again along with the possibility of being banned from the website.
  3. Banned – the user is notified about their third violation and their account is banned with no possibility of reactivation.


These penalty regulations are applied in the following situations:

In the section “Offers (Design contests)”:

  • Instigations to conclude a contract or any other legal matter outside of the service beyond the stated in the offer description
  • Hindering the competition
  • Disrespecting the competition
  • Unfounded criticism of someone else’s works
  • Unfounded criticism of the offer itself
  • Influencing the offer creator regarding the choice of the winner
  • Influencing the offer creator to discredit the competition.
  • Publishing works violating personal rights, as well as international and domestic copyright laws (any form of plagiarism is prohibited within the offers)
  • Advertisement of services to the offer creator and the public
  • Links to any works not on the website (external links)
  • Submitting links to your works to the offer creator through private messages (each work has to be published within the offer itself)
  • Not providing a source of design parts for which designer doesn’t have a licence or right to use without additional paying the licence. 
  • Failure to pay the offer to the winner (which entails other legal consequences as well) 
  • Using any conceptual design (work) from a particular offer without paying the designer
  • Failure to deliver the winning solution to the offer creator after being paid the reward amount (which entails other legal consequences as well)
  • Deceiving the offer creator
  • Deceiving the designers
  • Insults and threats
  • Abusing the service, system and software
  • Abusing the “Offers” section

In the section GeeMee™ (Portfolio):

  • Advertisement of services in the portfolio description and/or in the works themselves
  • Publishing works violating personal rights, as well as international and domestic copyright laws (any form of plagiarism is prohibited within the offers)
  • Links to any works not on the website (external links)
  • Insults and threats in GeeMee project
  • Posting a URL link or any email/web address to other and/or private sites within the portfolio description or in GeeMee project
  • Publishing works and referring the offer creators to those works, while design contest is active
  • Publishing unethical, immoral and other works which are not related to design, arts, architecture and areas is engaged in
  • Abusing the section GeeMee part of Geelancer service
  • Abusing the service, system and software

Each stated offense is evaluated and sanctioned by this unique penalty system. For instance, if a member publishes a plagiarised work violating someone else’s copyright, they shall be sanctioned and Notified. Should the same or similar be repeated, they shall receive a Final Warning. Upon the next, third, same or similar violation they shall be Banned without the possibility of reactivation. Organised and deliberate violation of the rules is treated as a gross violation and is sanctioned with a permanent ban.

If a member does not commit any violation within a period of 6 months from the last violation, their status changes to one of the lower level. has the discretionary right to momentarily ban permanently and deactivate any member it believes to have grossly violated the rights of and endangered it, without waiting for a second or third warning.

Belgrade, 25.12.2019.



CEO Slađana Bradić-Milenković


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