More than 15674 designers
1534 contented clients

Details of work

Work number #123396 of ayva published 28.10.2021. 12:38:00

Category: Landscape design. Name of the competition Nagradni konkurs za idejno rešenje biciklističkih parkinga u Kuli. Creator of the competition: NaseMesto. Type of contest Classic. Premium. The amount of the prize: 200.00 eur. Without a winner
osnovni modul
bicikl park 2
dupli modul
bicikl park 3
dupli rastegnuti modul
bicikl park 4
parking mesta bez klupe
bicikl park 5
ekscentrični modul
bicikl park 6
udvojeni modul za obostrano parkiranje
bicikl park detalj
dimenzije osnovnog modula


Rating of work

The reason for the application
Siguran dizajn
Mint hosting provajder

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